Simba Global Unveils Ambitious Sustainability Initiative: Simba Conscious

24 May 2024

Simba Global has officially launched its 2030 sustainability strategy, Simba Conscious.

The initiative was unveiled in April during an all-staff event representing departments including operations, procurement, sales, finance, marketing, and HR.

Executive Chairman Hiten Somaia spearheaded the launch of Simba Conscious in an engaging lunch and learn session, which provided a platform for interactive discussions. The culmination of 18 months of meticulous planning, Simba Conscious builds upon the company's existing sustainability efforts, integrating the insights and passions of internal sustainability advocates to craft a comprehensive strategy to foster an ethical and sustainable future across all facets of the organisation.

"Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's a commitment to action," stated Hiten Somaia, emphasising Simba Global's dedication to driving positive sustainability outcomes for customers, suppliers, and its own operations. "Simba Conscious outlines clear, relevant, and ambitious goals that will not only challenge us but also propel us towards making a meaningful and lasting impact."

Recognising the collective responsibility towards a sustainable future, Simba Global's leadership team led a detailed exploration of each sustainability goal outlined in the strategy, delving into the specific actions planned to achieve them. Staff were encouraged to participate actively, offering insights, raising questions, and suggesting ideas to advance the initiative.

Simba Conscious represents a pivotal step in the company's commitment to corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship. For further details about Simba Conscious and the 2030 sustainability goals outlined, visit the dedicated Conscious page on our website.

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