Diversified supply chain pays dividends in dark times

Diversified supply chain pays dividends in dark times

Australian companies are racing to reconfigure their supply chains after the coronavirus health crisis exposed the fragility of global trade routes, but those which have avoided the impact say the secret goes deeper than suppliers.


Return to our news to see what else Simba is doing to support and engage with our communities.

  • Bushfire Relief

    Bushfire Relief

    10 February 2020

    Working with the Salavation Army, Simba donated Sheets, Pillowcases, Towels and Blankets to be distributed to affected areas as well as donating all staff bonuses as direct donations.

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  • Tamminya house

    Tamminya House Donations

    23 November 2020

    Our friends at Tamminya House recently let us know how our donated linen is helping them to help others. The team provide short term emergency housing to families facing a crisis and we are humbled to be able to assist them in their incredibly important work.

    Learn more
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