Building Sustainable Supply Chains
Areas of focus
At a time when there is a renewed, collective commitment to standardise and monitor ethical sourcing efforts across the globe, our industry is well placed to see and make real change for good.
Enhance Labour and Human Rights

100% Compliant to local labour laws in our textile production supply chain

Human Rights and Sustainability
Review current audit program and ensure both human rights and sustainability risks are identified and mitigated, in line with our Supplier Code of Conduct and modern slavery action plan.

Increase Capacity for First Party Audits
Provide training for our local officers to undertake first party sustainability and labour rights audits.

Living Wage
Undertake a gap analysis for our manufacturers in China, India and Pakistan and investigate impact on business to meet a living wage commitment.

Grievance Mechanism
Establish supply chain grievance mechanism and process for accessing remedy.
Reduce Environmental Impact Across Supply Chain

All manufacturers meet or exceed Simba’s published emissions and water benchmarks.

Data Collection and Analysis
Develop manufacturers data baseline, working with manufacturers to collect and analyse data regularly.

Develop compliance standards for emissions and water to assess new and renewed suppliers.

Supplier Engagement Program
Undertake supplier engagement program including training and capacity building, to enable improved sustainability outcomes throughout the supply chain, in line with our sustainability goals.

Review current product certifications and standards available and develop business case for product certifications that address both environmental impacts and labour rights.
Embed Sustainable Procurement

80% of our product suppliers meet and exceed Simba’s ethical, sustainable and environmental procurement standards.

Map tier 1, 2, and 3 critical suppliers for climate, environmental and human rights risks by 2026. Leverage members with SEDEX and SA800 to improve visibility.

Product Risks
Undertake an analysis to understand the environmental and labour rights risks in key product areas and put in place mitigation strategy.

Contractual Obligations
Develop contract clauses to ensure environmental and labour rights compliance requirements are met.

Procurement Training
Develop and deliver sustainable procurement training for Simba staff responsible for purchasing goods and services.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
At Simba, we have developed our Simba Conscious framework and action plan with the UN SDG’s in mind. As we implement this plan, we are proud to be contributing to this global framework for impact.