16 June 2024
Simba Global joins the only evidence-based labelling system on the market, powered by the Packaging Recyclability Evaluation Portal (PREP)

The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) is an on-pack labelling scheme for Australia and New Zealand that provides clear and simple instructions about recycling all separable packaging components.
As part of our commitment to packaging circularity, Simba has commenced applying the ARL logos to our B2C packaging, utilising the PREP portal to assess its recyclability.
Using the results from our PREP reviews, we have gained greater insight into the recyclability of the various soft plastic, hard plastic, and cardboard components of our B2C packaging. So far, ARL logos have been assigned to 75 products across our retail ranges.
The PREP reports also provide greater focus for our packaging reviews. They provide the latest recycling information, helping us design fully recoverable packaging at end-of-life.
By 2030, all Simba packaging will have the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) logos as we continue to work towards packaging circularity.